Hi all,

I've had the above error during boot for quite some time now so
clearly it doesn't have too major consequences. :-) I would, however,
like to understand what's going on and then, if possible, fix it.

The first thing I tried was to grep for (parts of) this error in the
/etc/init.d scripts but that yielded nothing. Using extra ewarns in
/etc/init.d/hwclock and /etc/init.d/fsck I discovered that both
hwclock and fsck *do* indeed run (but after the error is displayed).
Looking in other places (/usr/lib/portage, /usr/portage, /etc) didn't
yield anything useful either.

lion ~ # rc-update show
gpm | default
ntp-client | default
fsck | boot
hald | default
mtab | boot
ntpd | default
root | boot
swap | boot
keymaps | boot
local | default nonetwork
vixie-cron | default
syslog-ng | default
maradns | default
localmount | boot
consolefont | boot
modules | boot
hostname | boot
net.lo | boot
net.eth0 | default
procfs | boot
netmount | default
sysctl | boot
urandom | boot
termencoding | boot
hwclock | boot
bootmisc | boot
device-mapper | boot
alsasound | boot

Any ideas?


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