> It looks like I've imported a pub/sec keypair now.  Should I remove
> the public key for security?  Maybe I misunderstood from the beginning
> and having both keys on the same system isn't a security issue?
> - Grant

It is still a security issue, but only as much as any other data on your
machine. Physical access to the box, or being remotely hacked will
always be a security risk.

And yes, if someone does break in and copy your pub/sec keypair, they
will have full ability to masquerade as you in signed and encrypted emails.

You have to weigh it up for yourself really. Many, many keep pub/sec
keypairs for their email on more than one machine. Of course it would be
a lot of work for someone to compromise your system for your gpg keys,
so your email would have to be of value to them.

Just my $0.02


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