
Since I only use Linux, this is basically the only place I get help/advice so here I go.

As some may know, I have been waiting on DSL for years here. Always being promised that it is coming but found out today, through a informal FCC complaint, that it is not coming any time soon. They lied though their teeth in my opinion. What else can be said about AT&T. Yea, we got the DSL box up the street but no DSL. Not real sure how that works. Well, here is the deal in a nutshell. I am switching from AT&T to save some cash and because they got me pissed off. I am currently using AT&T for email and everything which means I will have to change my email address during the switch to a new ISP and this is getting boring. Keep in mind through this that I am disabled so keeping it in budget is important. My plan is something like this:

Get a Yahoo email account and pay for POP access, about $20.00 a year I think. I think this will make it so that I never have to change email addresses when I switch ISPs and will get the same service regardless of who I connect to the internet with in the future. This is a long term fix to my email switching issue.

I have checked on basicisp.com and a couple others and ran into a couple "issues". 1: They have a 4 hour connect limit which is not good but possible. 2: They limit you to 200 hours a month. This sucks. They claim "unlimited access" then limit you in the fine print. Does anyone know of a reasonably priced dial-up ISP that does not have a monthly limit? After getting things switched over, I hope this will make things easier in the future if I need to switch ISPs or something. My questions are: 1: Does anyone know of a reasonably priced dial-up ISP that does not have a monthly limit? Does anyone see anything wrong/weird with my plan? Maybe something I need to add in?

Thanks for the help/advice.


:-) :-) P.S. I can't afford the satellite thing. I wish I could tho. No cable here either. Hmmm, may go talk to the cable company about putting cable out here and we can get internet, TV and Vonage then. That would be cool.

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