On Sunday 14 September 2008 21:37:21 Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> On Sunday 14 September 2008, David Leverton wrote:
> > On Sunday 14 September 2008 19:28:28 Volker Armin Hemmann wrote:
> > > because not everybody wants to install that bloated thing
> >
> > Not bloated.
> I am sorry:
> extremly bloated.

I see you're still as good at logic as ever.

> > > watch it devour config files
> >
> > Lies.
> oh really? what happens when you forget the 'portage' useflag? Hm?

It installs without support for reading Portage configuration files, in the 
same way that almost everything else in the tree doesn't support Portage 
configuration files.  You surely wouldn't say that any of those "devour 
config files" (at least not for that reason), so why do you say it about 

> > > and be insulted by the troll-brigade.
> >
> > The only people who get insulted are those who repeatedly and
> > deliberately spread vicious lies, FUD and personal attacks.
> oh really? There are enough examples of troll behaviour. Starting with
> Ciaranm himself. SPB and rbrown are good examples too.

Again, lies and personal attacks.

> > > Making the 'official' overlay paludis-only was a BIG mistake.
> >
> > It's not "paludis-only", it will work with any package manager whose
> > developers care enough to support the useful features of the kdebuild-1
> > EAPI.
> and that was an official api? Yes? No?


> Was it needed? No - proven by kdesvn-portage

I didn't say it was needed.  I said it was useful enough that the genkdesvn 
team decided that, in their opinion, the benefits outweighed the drawbacks.  
Other people obviously had different priorities, and so they produced 
something that suited their needs better.

> > > And as kdesvn-portage shows - it was unneeded.
> >
> > "Unneeded" is a funny word.  You don't "need" ebuilds at all, but that
> > doesn't mean they're not useful.
> unneeded is the correct choice of words.

It is, in the sense that it's not false, but the inferences that you draw from 
it are spectacularly wrong.

> That 'special feature that only paludis - and unoffical packet manager
> developed by a dev team which has a very high 'forcefully retired' content

Personal attacks etc.  Just because Gentoo was forced to choose between 
retiring some developers and losing a sponsor doesn't mean that anything 
those developers ever worked on is evil.

> was not needed - as shown by kdesvn-portage.

You consistently demonstrate a complete failure to comprehend anything in my 

> > > Just another little trick by the paludis-group
> >
> > The KDE overlay isn't produced by the "paludis-group".
> no, it was just made by vivid paludis fans. Hey, lets make an overlay a lot
> of user want - and make it paludis only. That way we can push paludis!

No, "That way we can use useful features that have been supported in Paludis 
for months if not years, instead of having to work around Portage's 

> which one? Which features 'benefit both users and developers' and are sooo
> important that the kde overlay had to be paludis only?
> Name them please.

USE deps are the main one.  Yes, Portage supports them now, but it didn't at 
the time, and no-one expected that it would within a reasonable time period.  
Suggested deps are another nice one.  You can read the details of the rest in 

> Oh, does paludis support and equivalent to 'keep-going' or
> '--ignore-failures'

Read the documentation.

> or are people who wants this extremly usefull features still attacked and
> insulted? 

No-one has been attacked and insulted for wanting extremely useful features.

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