On 17:38 Fri 26 Sep, Andrew Gaydenko wrote:
> No, no, no!... I was, is and am going to be on Gentoo. Just want to install 
> Linux to my friend's PC. I can download installation CD iso (or two), but 
> the main problem is, that PC during next few months will have dialup 
> connection (33600) only. As a result, I need to choose Linux with minimal 
> net traffic in mind (just security updates will be sufficient). There are 
> no any special demands (OOo, images and PDF viewer, Firefox, Thunderbird 
> and Krusader (or other two panel file manager) will be a sufficient apps 
> set for beginning, + booting to level 5).
> Suggestions?
> P.S. You see, there is a little sense to address this question to, say, suse 
> or ubuntu or other candidate's community :-) - so, excuse please for OT.
> Andrew

You could limit the bandwidth usage (see man wget and man make.conf,
iirc), and run emerge --sync once a week, and emerge -u --fetchonly to
fetch packages at night when the net isn't going to be in use as often
(or during the day durning classes or work), then install at your own

Also, you could just run glsa-check to update security problems.

if you want another distro, and they are new to Linux, I would probably
suggest Debian or one of its knock-offs (besides Ubuntu) to get them
started, and see if they like it.

Hope this helps some.
I'm not anti-social, I'm just not user friendly

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