On Wednesday 29 October 2008 19:03:51 Rafael Barrera Oro wrote:
> Thank you both for your responses, i will try dealing with QT first and
> then emerge udev separately, without any mercilless barbaric
> running-around-barely-dressed-waving-an-axe-around unmerging.

There you go, that's a good lad :-)

> I'm gonna miss the sledgehammer though...

Don't dismiss it entirely thoguh. It comes in handy when dealing with 
recalcitrant incorigible users. Very very handy indeed.

A last note on emerge's output, especially with blockers: the time spent to 
read all the portage pages (several times) is time very well spent. I 
recommend when next you get blockers, is to rerun emerge with -t and take 
note of what packages cause a blocker to be pulled in or up|downgraded. make 
a list of everything involved and read the ebuilds. Plot it all out with pen 
and pencil, do this repetitively till you have a lightbulb moment where it 
all suddenly makes sense.

Most folks around here have done this at some point and there doesn't seem to 
be a shortcut :-)

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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