On November 25, 2008, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
> I didn't unmask nor keyword any *KDE4* stuff.  Only KDE3.  Previous
> portage was happy with that.  The new portage is not.  I have dozens of
> packages in package.keywords that look like this:
> kde-base/kdelibs

in which case portage did exactly what you've asked it to. You should've 
mentioned either which specific versions you're unmasking/keywording or 
slots. Either way it's not a bug it's a true feature.

> Now portage wants to install the 4.1 versions of all those.  The
> previous portage did not; I had to tell it to keyword the 4.1 versions
> if I wanted that.

It exhibits proper behavior, what's wrong with that? I'd be surprised if I ran 
system with blanket keyworded kde builds (no slot or version mentioning) and 
portage wouldn't suggest KDE4 install. KDE4 is a successor of KDE3 so it's 
all correct. The fact that you've enabled ~arch builds without consideration 
for future implications doesn't constitute fault on part of portage, sorry. I 
would suggest now and in the future either specify slot or version of package 
you're unmasking unless you *really* know what you're doing.

KDE3 and KDE4 would live happily alongside each other as long as you have 
USE="kdeprefix" specified in /etc/make.conf .

Dmitry Makovey
Web Systems Administrator
Athabasca University
(780) 675-6245

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