I've had this silly problem for mnths and have posted on it here some
time ago.  I've thoroughly exhausted my meager knowledge and attempted
any fixes suggested here.

I'm running an uptodate 2008.0 (not the vmware I posted about in
another thread) my main desktop at home.

I have simple assigned IPs throught home lan with 5 regular machines
and several experimental vmwares running in windows XP machines.

All sitting behind a netgear FVS-318

None and I mean absolutely none of those other machines have any
trouble pinging out to the internet.

I'm at a loss now as to what else to check.  The machine itself has no
firewall setup at all.  The router is something of a firewall but no
other machines have this problem.

I've checked and rechecked for any kind of blocking on the Netgear for
outbound and there simpley is none in place.  So it must be something
peculiar about this one machine.

It seems there would be some diagnostic or several that would pinpoint
this problem but again I'm at a loss.

basic network setup from netstat -nr:

      Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface   U         0 0          0 eth0       UG        0 0          0 lo         UG        0 0          0 eth0

What else can I do to uncover the blockage?

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