Paul Hartman writes:

> I accidentally sent this from the wrong email address the first time,
> not sure if it went through to the list so I'm sending it again (I
> apologize if it is a duplicate).

I don't think so.

> If anyone has any ideas at all about how to go about fixing/mounting
> this, I will be forever in your debt. Thanks.

Before doing anything further with it, you should create an image of your 
dying drive and analyze that instead. And create a 2nd image, in case you 
mess up the first one while repairing it, and the drive really died in 
the meantime.
  dd if=/dev/sdf of=/mnt/sdf.img
  unplug drive
  cp /mnt/sdf.img /mnt/sdf.img2
  gzip -c /mnt/sdf.img > /mnt/sdf.img.gz

You can then try photorec from app-admin/testdisk, but reiserfs is not 
really supported. But this looks promising:

Good luck,


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