I can't get either vmware-workstation or virtualbox to work.  Either
software's forums have been no help and you guys are my last hope.

I've tried vmware-workstation-6.5.0 and 6.5.1.  Either one crashes
when clicking the "Create a new virtual machine" button with "Invalid
partition map found".  I have:

sda1 Boot Primary Linux ext2 41.13
sda2 Primary Linux swap / Solaris 518.20
sda3 Primary Linux ext3 319511.01

The user is in the vmware group and I've started the vmware services.

With virtualbox, I get sort of a partial system freeze when I try to
start a virtual machine for the first time.  There is no terminal
output.  The user is in the vboxusers group and I've loaded the
necessary kernel module.  I've tried 1.6.6 and 2.0.6.

Does anyone have any sort of idea on either of these?

- Grant

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