Dale wrote:
Nikos Chantziaras wrote:
Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 16:04:06 +0200, Nikos Chantziaras wrote:

Why would they?  /usr/kde/3.5/bin comes first in KDE 3 sessions and
last in KDE 4 sessions. There's no problem at all.
Not here

% echo $PATH
Maybe because you *do* use kdeprefix.  Maybe it's better without it,
like here, where it works ;D
I get the same order on this computer, which does not have KDE4.
That's because you don't have it.

`echo $PATH` in a KDE3 session:


`echo $PATH` in a KDE4 session:


So can we all agree now that the kdeprefix USE flag doesn't matter the
least with KDE3+KDE4 and that it's only there to support multiple
installations of KDE4?  (Like KDE 4.0.x + 4.1.x at the same time.)

r...@smoker / # euse -i kdeprefix
global use flags (searching: kdeprefix)
[+ C  ] kdeprefix - Makes a KDE prefixed install into /usr/kde/${SLOT}
if enabled or into /usr (FHS compatible) otherwise

local use flags (searching: kdeprefix)
no matching entries found
r...@smoker / #

Here's what it should say:

[+ C  ] kdeprefix - Makes a KDE 4 prefixed install into [...]

How I know? I don't use kdeprefix and my KDE 3 is installed in /usr/kde/3.5 ;)

Also, if you care to look you'll see that kdeprefix is not used by any KDE3 ebuild.

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