back in the day, this was why i went gentoo in the first place. i needed a better scheduler and compiling a new kernel off red hat for instance almost always broke other stuff.

gentoo made my life easier.

On 12 28, 08, at 7:32 AM, kashani wrote:

I'll second what Hung said, getting your kernel right takes a bit of time.

However I'll add a few points. Back in the day I used to build super stripped down kernels, but eventually realized it was kinda ridiculous. Why spend almost thirty hours for almost no real world gain other than driving yourself insane? It was almost worth my time on a Sparc5 with 64MB, but today you're better off spending your time cooking dinner and spending the $20 you saved vs the restaurant on RAM. Well maybe you'd need to do that twice. :-) On the other hand I learned a fair amount about what not to screw with by ripping everything out. If you want to go that route, it'll take you around a week to make almost all the mistakes. Realize this will happen and then enjoy the process. I also recommend taking notes or you'll keep repeating your mistakes.

LOL yeah. this happened to me.

The other thing is don't get carried away in stripping things out of your kernel. Need to mount and ISO, oops you removed loopback support. Need to make your machine into a DHCP server, oops your removed (gah I should remember this) sockets (i think). Need to use OpenVPN, oops you removed tap/tun interfaces. The list goes on and on. Yeah you can install those as modules once you figure out that they are missing which can be frustrating when the errors aren't very clear.

*nods* i do this too. i strip everything off--- hardware that i don't need but i do keep a lot of things turned on like FS stuff. if the box isn't a server, i turn on the networking stuff like tap/tun interfaces as modules. if the box is a server then it gets turned on.

i also make sure that i turn a lot of FS on. even reiserfs. especially ntfs. etc. etc. you never know if you'll need those in the future.

My advice is take the middle path. Cut the complete crap out like parallel ports, ISDN, and SCSI cards that aren't actually in your system. Leave most of the rest alone for the most part unless you're pretty sure you know what it is. As you get a bit more comfortable and have a history of working kernels you can experiment more.


but yeah, really took a lot of time and learning and messing around. have fun!

"People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware" -- Alan Kay

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