On Fri, 2 Jan 2009 20:15:20 +0000
Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks RobbieAB. Actually, it showed that the file was owned by the
> installed package:
> # portageq owners / /usr/share/fonts/terminus/encodings.dir 
> media-fonts/terminus-font-4.28
>         /usr/share/fonts/terminus/encodings.dir

That shows that portage is only aware of one package owning the file
(as it should be). However, if media-fonts/terminus-font-4.28 is not
installed, it cannot be the package owning the file, and the line I
marked shows that portage was not aware of ANY installed packages
claiming the file. Hence the problem: Portage was installing a
package which wanted to install that file, but was not prepared to
overwrite a pre-existing file.

> Either way, I removed the file and reinstalled
> media-fonts/terminus-font-4.28.

Which in the event of an orphaned file is the only sane thing to do.


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