Michael P. Soulier schrieb:
> So, I noticed this on an emerge
> !!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled
> !!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:
> www-client/mozilla-firefox:0
>   ('ebuild', '/', 'www-client/mozilla-firefox-', 'merge') pulled in by
>     =www-client/mozilla-firefox-2* required by ('installed', '/',
> 'net-www/mplayerplug-in-3.50', 'nomerge')
>     (and 1 more)
>   ('installed', '/', 'www-client/mozilla-firefox-3.0.5', 'nomerge') pulled in
> by
>     www-client/mozilla-firefox required by world
> So, I interpret this as the mplayer plugin not being available for firefox
> 3.0, which is why it's pulling in the 2.0 stream. So, my best solution is
> probably just to uninstall the mplayer plugin, is that right?
> It seems to work fine in firefox 3.0. If I want to run the risk and keep it,
> is masking out firefox 2.0 the way to go?
> Thanks,
> Mike

since I am using net-www/netscape-flash- ~amd64 I did not
have the need to install mplayerplug-in anymore. I would try the
Have a look at xulrunner. It might be causing the downgread problem.


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