On 2/6/09, Willie Wong <ww...@princeton.edu> wrote:
> I lost your original mail, so sorry if this is not threaded properly.

Ok, I have to be sorry about my slow replies as well. My excuse is
that I'm so used to pressing ctrl+c, ctrl+v etc when composing mails
that I've already killed X twice just while trying to type in this
reply (not to mention the earlier ones where I was trying to copy and
paste outputs from the terminal windows ...).

I must have killed X more than 50 times during the last 24 hours,
sometimes on purpose while trying out things, sometimes accidentally
and then ending up cursing out loud. :)

> Question: does the bug manifest itself only in KDE apps or in others?
> Ctrl+c should also copy to clipboard in, say, firefox, if you have it
> installed. Does it do the same thing? If yes: do you have another WM
> installed and can you try running firefox under the other WM to see if
> it behaves similarly? This should help figure out whether it is a KDE
> issue or an X issue.

It happens under seamonkey and firefox as well. And it's not limited
to ctrl+c, also ctrl+v kills/crashes X (sometimes) and some other
ctrl+something combos as well, but they're not so usual keypresses by
me, so I cannot say for sure how often they would cause a crash.

But that WM was a good idea, I tried with a bare(?) Xsession as the
XSESSION in rc.conf. It gave just a plain terminal from which I
started firefox and seamonkey. Result: ctrl+c while trying to
copy-paste text in a form field on a web page results in X killing
itself as well.

So it would really seem to be about xorg-server 1.5.3 and that darned
evdev 2.1.1 which already gave nearly me two evenings without a
keyboard and a mouse due to configuration issues. I'll probably
finally get to downgrade it over next night.

Also the other, earlier replies had good ideas, like the kxkb. Just
clicking on the KDE keyboard layout manager's country flags and
switching the keyboard from our local gibberish ("fi") to "us" and
back (and then running extra setxkbmap by checking the xkb settings
"CTRL in lower left corner"?) had me smiling for a while -- I could
pound on ctrl+c with impunity in all programs. But then I restarted X
and retried, and the trick no longer seemed to work, not sure why.

> If you open an xterm, and hit Ctrl+c, does it reboot X (a long shot,
> but if it does happens, it means something else is grabbing the event
> and passing it up before the xterm sees it and passes it to the shell
> in it)?

Ctrl+c in xterm/gterm/kterm == X gone, just like in all other programs.

> Also, what is in your ~/.xinitrc?

I don't have the file in my ~, only the system file in
/etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc -- not modified by me.

But anyway, since it seems to be focused on xorg-server and/or evdev,
I'll do the reasonable thing: downgrade back to 1.5.2(or even lower?)
and normal keyboard and mouse drivers.

Maybe the new xorg-server is only supposed to work reliably on a fully
~amd64? This box has mostly stable amd64 and only select packages,
mostly end-used apps like seamonkey, OOo and firefox are allowed to be
~amd64 along with some of their more obscure requirements (like

Anyway, thanks for everyone for the helpful comments and ideas! I'll
post a short reply about the success with the downgrade hopefully
tomorrow and then try to leave this for now.

Arttu V.

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