Drew Tomlinson wrote:
> I'm trying to connect to a Cisco 3650 VPN Concentrator at work.  On
> Windows clients, I use the included dialup networking client and connect
> without issue using pptp.  This is not a L2TP/IPSEC VPN.  I want to do
> the same on a Gentoo client.
> I've Googled and found that pptpclient should do what I want.  I've
> followed this guide:
> http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Microsoft_VPN_client_setup_with_pptpclient
> Any ideas on what I'm missing?  I've been at this for two days but can
> not figure out my errors.  In cases where the guide indicates using a
> VPN server name, I have tried with both a made up (but common) server
> name and the actual IP address as this VPN server does not have a
> resolvable name.

Never mind.  I found the problem.  The VPN concentrator still had a
connection registered for my IP address.  Once that was cleared, I was
able to connect.

Sorry for the noise.


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