On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Etaoin Shrdlu
<shr...@unlimitedmail.org> wrote:
> On Sunday 22 February 2009, 20:06, Mark Knecht wrote:
>> Hi,
>>    Very off topic other than I'd do this on my Gentoo box prior to
>> using R on my Gentoo box. Please ignore if not of interest.
>>    I've got a really big data file in essentially a *.csv format.
>> (comma delimited) I need to scan this file and create a new output
>> file. I'm wondering if there is a reasonably easy command line way of
>> doing this using something like sed or awk which I know nothing about.
>> Thanks in advance.
>>    The basic idea goes something like this:
>> 1) The input file might look this the following where some of it is
>> attributes (shown as letters) and other parts are results. (shown as
>> numbers)
>> A,B,C,D,1
>> E,F,G,H,2
>> I,J,K,L,3
>> M,N,O,P,4
>> Q,R,S,T,5
>> U,V,W,X,6
> Are the results always in the last field, and only a single field?
> Is the total number of fields per line always fixed?

I don't know that for certain yet but I think the results will not
always be in the last field.

The total number of fields per line is always fixed in a given file
but might change from file to file. If it does I'm willing to do minor
edits (heck - I'll do major edits if I have to!!) to get it working.

>> 2) From the above data input file I want to take the attributes from a
>> few preceeding lines (say 3 in this example) and write them to the
>> output file along with the result on the last of the 3 lines. The
>> output file might look like this:
>> A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,3
>> E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,4
>> I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,5
>> M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,6
> Is the number of lines you pick for the operation always 3 or can it
> vary? And, once you choose a number n of lines, should the whole file be
> processed concatenating n lines at a time, and the resulting single line
> be ended with the result of the nth line? in other words, does the
> following hold for the output format:
> <concatenation of attributes of lines 1..n> <result of line n>
> <concatenation of attributes of lines 2..n+1> <result of line n+1>
> <concatenation of attributes of lines 3..n+2> <result of line n+1>
> <concatenation of attributes of lines 4..n+3> <result of line n+1>

The above diagram is correct when the lines chosen is 3. I suspect
that I might chose 10 or 15 lines once I get real data and do some
testing but that was harder to show in this email. A good design for
me would be a single variable I could set. Once a value is chosen I
want to process every line in the input file the same way. I don't use
5 lines sometimes and 10 lines other times. In a given file it's
always the same number of lines.

> ...
> With answers to the above questions, it's probably possible to hack
> together a solution.


- Mark

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