James wrote:

I need to be able to find which packages use a particular flag.

"gpac" to be specific:

Enable GPAC support when exporting to 3GPP format.

Any simple/global tools to find and list each and every
package available on Gentoo that has this flag as a option?

There is also an ebuild named "gpac"

Kino is one package the has this "gpac" flag.
How so I know it is the only one that requires
this gpac flag?


Using eix (emerge eix; update-eix):
eix -e -U gpac

Using equery:
equery hasuse -p -o gpac

-p meaning search portage tree
-o meaning search any overlays you might have

Listening to your hard drive grind away should convince you it's doing what you want. It should also convince you to use eix.

Either way you do it, media-video/keno is the only one


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