Walter Dnes wrote:
  After a few more minutes of looking at the bug list, it appears that
it's caused by the stable build being rusty.  Given the references to
"lib64" in your output, I assume you're running on amd64.  Is that
correct?  If so, a quick-n-dirty workaround might be to add the
following line to your /etc/portage/package.keywords file...

=media-sound/rhythmbox-0.11.2-r1 ~amd64

  If /etc/portage/package.keywords doesn't exist, create it.  This may
be beta-level, but it has a chance of working.  The other option is

=media-sound/rhythmbox-0.11.6-r1 ~amd64

...same comments apply.

  Once a newer ebuild is marked stable, you can get rid of that keywords

The first one (0.11.2) didn't work, but the second one (0.11.6) did. Now revdep-rebuild completes and all is clean. Should this be posted on bugzilla as a temporary solution?


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