On 2009-03-25, Grant Edwards <gra...@visi.com> wrote:

> How do you get a plain ascii file (no backspacing, no escape
> sequences) out of "man"?

I know I can always drop down 2 levels and do somthing like this:

 bzcat /usr/share/man/bash.1.bz2 | troff -Tascii -mandoc | grotty -bcu >man.txt

But, I'm surprised that there's no "higher level" method like
the trusty old command that worked for at least 20 years:

 man bash | col -b >man.txt

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! A can of ASPARAGUS,
                                  at               73 pigeons, some LIVE ammo,
                               visi.com            and a FROZEN DAQUIRI!!

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