Hi group,

Before I can install gentoo on my 4G SSHD EEE 900A, I need to know what 
partition to use to chroot to.

There are four partitions on the SSHD, sda1,2,3,4. sda1 is formatted ext2 and 
is the largest and contains the file system. sda2 is slightly smaller, 
formatted ext3 and also has a file system on it, but with fewer files. sda3 is 
very small, formatted fat32, and is empty. sda4 is formatted fat16, and is 
empty(I think, I wasn't able to mount it).

Why do sda1 and sda2 have virtually the same files on them and why is one 
formatted ext2 and the other ext3?

What is the purpose of the fat partitions?

What partitions, size, format etc do list members recommend. 

I asked this question on the eee forum but got no answer.


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