James Ausmus wrote:

On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 1:53 PM, maxim wexler <bliss...@yahoo.com <mailto:bliss...@yahoo.com>> wrote:

     > > ifconfig wlan0 up
     > >
     > > iwlist wlan0 scan reveals the network name, the chan.
     > >
     > > iwconfig wlan0 essid "Network Name"
     > >
     > > iwconfig wlan0 chan 1
     > >
     > dhcpcd wlan0 should sort this.

    It did, thanks Neil! Now, can you point a way forword? My eeepc is
    strictly bare bones, for now, no X, haven't even written make.conf yet.

    There's some interesting stuff re: gentoo on eeepc on the eee forum
    but it's rather dated. Can you suggest some sort of wiki or?

Hi Maixm-

I have just (first full boot with X this morning, actually) gotten my wife's eeePC 900A switched over to Gentoo. I have a full install with kernel 2.6.29, X (1.6.1), Intel drivers (with DRI2, enabling *very* smooth and fast compositing), full KDE 4.2.3, WiFi and Wired ethernet, Firefox, Openoffice, NetworkManager, and all the usuals, all in a 2.7GB disk footprint, and without doing any compiling on the eeePC itself (I used my Core2Duo ~amd64 Gentoo box to do all the heavy lifting, then made a bootable 4GB SD card with the resulting FS - will move over to internal 4GB SSD once I've put the final touches on it). I have full eeePC hotkey support (except for an issue I've found with the rfkill (Wifi radio on/off) functionality - the HW (PHY) refuses to power back up once it's turned off. I believe it was working in the original Xandros, so I'll probably be doing some kernel hacking to get it working). If you would like, I can take some time this weekend and write up how I went about doing it and post it - interested?


I for one would be interested in a writeup like this. I've been getting gentoo onto my eee, and its going well. I'm just missing the finer details like hotkeys, suspend on lid closing and tweaking the intel drivers.



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