Does anybody have any experience with running a MythTV backend
on a non-dedicated machine (a machine that's also used for
software development, web-browsing, e-mail, etc.)?

All of the info I find about "split" MythTV systems implies
that the backend is a dedicated MythTV server.  It seems like a
waste to have both a backend server and my normal "desktop"
machine running all the time -- both 99% idle.

My tuner is a network-attached HDHR, so the backend isn't doing
any real-time encoding.  All it needs to to is shovel bytes
between the network interface and the disk.  I do plan on
having a dedicated drive for MythTV recordings.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Kids, don't gross me
                                  at               off ... "Adventures with
                                 MENTAL HYGIENE" can be
                                                   carried too FAR!

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