On 24 May 2009, at 21:41, Neil Bothwick wrote:

On Sun, 24 May 2009 18:22:05 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

Not exactly, buildsyspkg does the same as it always did, but @system
has changed. This cold have happened at any time as there was never a
need for python to be in @system,because it's a dependency of

That may well be the way it IS, but it certainly is not the way it
SHOULD BE. The only sane way to do this is:

if (pkgmgr=portage)
        python in @system
        python !in system

That's not particularly sane, because it addresses only one special case,
others may arise. IMO the sane approach, as I said some posts
ago, is for buildsyspkg to build packages for everything in @system and
their dependencies. If you can't do "emerge -eK @system", buildsyspkg
has failed to do anything useful.


You have saved me replying to Alan's post.

One could write a package manager in Perl. As it stands Portage would warn you against uninstalling "Perltage", but not Perl itself, a hard dependency of that package manager. Clearly this should be fixed.


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