> * rox-extra/roxiso
>      Available versions:  061007-r1
>      Homepage:            http://kymatica.com/index.php/Software
>      Description:         RoxISO. A graphical frontend to mkisofs and
> cdrecord.
> Does that make a iso file?

Drag and drop to the RoxISO gui.  It gives me errors wherever it finds
a busted link ie flashing white chars on a red bkground. I'm
discovering there are lots of them on my system. In weird far away
dirs where I've never been before. Eg /etc/ssl/certs. I dragged over
/boot and it complained it couldn't find menu.lst. So I deleted the
blinking link and tried again. This time it just flagged it with a red
stop sign icon and the word ERROR, no further explanation. So getting
rid of the busted link doesn't help ;(


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