Well, AMD uses a fixed cycle - one release a month. They also have a fixed 
development cycle that takes roughly 3 month (all explained on phoronix a long 
time ago). So supporting the latest kernels is not easy or even possible.

They also only support a few distros. If you insist on using a non-supported 
kernel, you are on your own.

That said - Nvidia might be 'better' when it comes to binary drivers, but they 
suck when it comes to open source drivers. AMD is working on free drivers for 
all cards - that is something you have to recognize. 
My next card will be AMD again. Supporting open source friendly corporations 
is simply a good thing.

Besides - if you use the ebuild, even 2.6.30 works. Yes, dmesg is spammed with 
ugly messages. But who cares? Do you really monitor dmesg non stop?

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