On 07/05/2009 12:16 PM, Roy Wright wrote:

On Jul 5, 2009, at 12:13 PM, walt wrote:

I have no libdri.so anywhere on my system. Eselect shows nvidia and
xorg-x11; I tried both, it did change some symlinks, but never created
one for libdri.so...

I'd be more worried about this than the keysym errors. I have
which installs these two (and of course much more):

When I use eselect to set the opengl version to xorg-x11, it sets a
/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libdri.so ->

If you don't have these libs and links then I'd say as your first
chore you should
figure out why they're missing.


DRI is a kernel option.

Interesting link, thanks.  I see that for some ATI cards kernel support
is needed, as you say.  It doesn't seem to involve nvidia cards though.
because nvidia has their own kernel modules.

Now that you got me thinking, I notice that I have the dri USE flag set
in make.conf, so that might be a consideration too.

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