On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 10:06 AM, Dirk
Heinrichs<dirk.heinri...@online.de> wrote:
> Am Samstag 15 August 2009 18:42:11 schrieb Mark Knecht:
>> Code Listing 2.2: Rebuilding system
>> # emerge -eav system
>> # emerge -eav world
> I still wonder about this one. Doesn't world include system, so that the above
> would result in rebuilding a vast amount of packages twice?
> Bye...
>        Dirk

In the dark ages (circa 1999/2000) it was actually suggested that we
could do even more:

emerge -eav @system
(gcc-config if required)
emerge -eav @system
emerge -eav @world

The first @system gets the new software on the system, but it's
unfortunately built with old compilers and linked to libraries built
with old compilers. gcc comes late in the upgrade usually.

The second @system rebuilds system again, but this time uses the new
compilers to get it really up to date.

The third one is a useless rebuild of @system but updates all of
@world. If there was a construct that looked like emerge
(@wor...@system) then I wouldn't rebuild the system stuff a 3rd time.

I do the above 3 steps when the major revision of gcc changes.

I've also done two builds of gcc instead of two @system builds. I
*think* that accomplishes the same thing, but what do I know as there
are no guarantees! ;-)

- Mark

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