Xianwen Chen wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm looking for a network message encryption method. Please kindly
> tell me if you know any Instant Messenger which supports encryption.
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Wen

According to the USE flags, it appears that Kopete supports encryption. 
I have no clue how good it is or if this is exactly what you are looking
for but you may want to look into it.

[ebuild   R   ] kde-base/kopete-3.5.10-r4  USE="crypt groupwise
highlight history sametime ssl statistics texteffect yahoo -addbookmarks
-alias -autoreplace -connectionstatus -contactnotes -debug
-emoticons-manager -gadu -irc -jabber (-jingle) -kdehiddenvisibility
-latex -msn -netmeeting -nowlistening -oscar -slp -sms -translator -v4l2
-webpresence -winpopup -xscreensaver"

r...@smoker / # euse -i crypt
global use flags (searching: crypt)
[+ CD ] crypt - Add support for encryption -- using mcrypt or gpg where

Hope that gets you in the some sort of a direction.


:-)  :-) 

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