090903 Mark Knecht wrote:
> I'm wondering whether these stats are correct?
> They are captured from  http://archives.gentoo.org/
> I find them a bit disappointing.  I was surprised
> how much email traffic has fallen off for the Gentoo lists
> over the last couple of years.  I suspect some of this
> is folks moving to less technical environments - maybe Ubuntu or Arch -
> but still I was surprised that it was something like a 60 % drop
> since the high in 2006.  I was also surprised at the drop on gentoo-dev
> as it correlates with my impression of bugs not being addressed as fast.
>         gentoo-dev       gentoo-user       gentoo-amd64
> 2009     3743            11126             1519 
> 2008     5379            15269             1418 
> 2007     8480            13643             1977 
> 2006    10184            25954             4038 
> 2005     9055            15378             1880 
> 2004     8569              545               27       
> 2003     8324       
> 2002     8156       
> 2001     5679       
> 2000        4       

First, you need to adjust 2009 by 3/2 , ie

  2009     5615            16689             2279

which shows a significant increase this year in all 3 categories.

Otherwise, I agree with the other comments, ie that Gentoo has matured:
Portage is more user-friendly, big changes like Udev have been accomplished,
people who shouldn't be using Gentoo have dropped out
& the few devs who were responsible have stopped flaming one another
(or perhaps do so on a non-public list somewhere else);
it may also be true that the Forum has taken away a lot of users,
who seem on average younger (it sounds like a high-school cafeteria).

Quality is what matters & I'ld say it has improved in recent years.

SUPPORT     ___________//___    Philip Webb
ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|   Cities Centre, University of Toronto
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'   purslowatchassdotutorontodotca

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