Xfce4 or fluxbox with some tweaking
------Original Message------
From: meino.cra...@gmx.de
To: Gentoo
ReplyTo: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
Subject: [gentoo-user] [OT] In search of a "good" windowmanager
Sent: Sep 12, 2009 8:40 AM


 for a long time I used IceWM as my windowmanager since I dont
 want to mimicry other OSses (...) or want session management.
 One thing, which is a must-have of windowmanagers I want to use
 is the possibility to control the windowmanager nearly completly 
 with the keyboard (hotkeys configurable) which does *not* 
 imply "uncontrollable by mouse" ;)
 Furthermore I should not be a hana-bi or anything else eye-candy
 like (nothing against hana-bi as hana-bi!) -- most of the time
 I will use the windowmanager instead of only looking at it -- which
 does not imply: "black anmd white ugly ascii thingy".

 Since IceWM seems to be gone into hibernation phase I am looking for 
 a replacement which should 
 -- be widely configurable via ascii files
 -- be as far as possible controllable by keyboard
 -- be also useable with the mouse
 -- no eye-candy 
 -- not ugly
 -- NOT tiling
 -- FAST!
 I would like to hear from others what experiences they made with
 what windowmanagers.

 Thank you very much in advance for any help!
 Best regards and have a nice weekend!
 Meino Cramer

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