On 14 Sep 2009, at 08:20, Matthias Langer wrote:

Has anyone here experiences with eSATA Cards for a MAC Pro running
Gentoo? I've already tried two cards ([1], [2]). Both work fine in
connection with normal PC hardware, but they are not recognized by the
kernel (or even lspci) on the MAC Pro.

Hi Matt,

I'm not an expert on the vagaries of MacPro hardware, which after all uses EFI instead of a BIOS, but are you using the same kernel configuration with the MacPro as you are on the PC that is working?

I would *expect* these to work. Is it possible you're using a kernel that's configured specifically for Mac hardware, and that merely omits the drivers for card. I'd really expect that compiling in the modules for the cards would make them work.

We can perhaps be more help if you post the .config (`zcat /proc/ config.gz > file`) for both machines & the output of `dmesg` (with the cards fitted).


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