On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 10:39:44PM +0200, Penguin Lover Nils Larsson squawked:
> > Now, at work, the machines run some custom version of linux and I am
> > not sure what the terminals are. And I also often use the VT and not
> > use X on my laptop, so I am disinclined to set TERM in .bashrc. 
> Well, bash is bash, it doesn't matter if you work machines use X or
> whatnot. Add:
> export TERM=xterm
> to ~/.bash_profile on your work machine account.

I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I think I didn't explain myself

There are three machines involved. 

Server A
Desktop B
Laptop C

I ssh into Server A from Desktop B and Laptop C. 
Desktop B is at work. I am not sure what terminal it uses. But it has
no problems with the terminal. 
Laptop C is my personal machine, on which I run aterm usually. But
when I ssh into Server A, echo $TERM shows kterm. (I just tried rxvt
and xterm also on this machine, and $TERM is correctly listed for

Setting anything on Desktop B is unlikely to help. 
I don't want to set anything on Server A because I worry that it might
break whatever is working currently from Desktop B. 
I don't think I should set anything on Laptop C in .bash* because I
also use other terms occasionally and the VT. 

If my worries are unfounded, can you tell me why?


"The fronting for the eighty-yard long marble-topped bar 
had been made by stitching together nearly twenty thousand 
Antarean Mosaic Lizard skins, despite the fact that the 
twenty thousand lizards concerned had needed them to keep 
their insides in." 

- The Book decribing Milliways' politically incorrect 
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