Selon Alan McKinnon <>:

> On Wednesday 07 October 2009 06:34:06 wrote:
> > Thanks all for the help. Finally the problem was solved by re-compiling all
> >  X11 drivers used, and most notably xf86-input-keyboard & xf86-input-mouse.
> >  I still think that any package update that breaks a working config without
> >  any specific doc IS A BUG. That just happened for the scond time.
> >
> Any human operator who does a large upgrade such as this and does not read
> the
> posted notice about it has a bug in his head. If you had fixed that bug, the
> one on your computer would have been solved.

Thanks for this useful answer, Mr. alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com. I
certainly have a bug in my head, but I wouldn't like to have to smell what's in
I have the weird habit to trust portage, as it works great 99.9% of the time (is
that a bug ?). I usually don't read elogs as I usually don't need it.
Xorg-1.6 needs a rebuilt of all used X11 drivers, up-to-date or not. Not
including this re-emerging in the ebuilt leads to a working config being broken.
I call that a BUG, specifically when it happens for the second time.
Have a sweet day, Mr alan dot mckinnon.


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