I normally stay logged in forever, even after updates.  I'm both busy and
lazy.  However, the Xorg flurry seemed to have died down, so I took the
plunge and rebooted.  Oops.

<troll option=ignore>
It had not re-emerged xf86-input-* for me, a case that I think should be
handled automatically -- I use a source distro because I want to be able to
tweak it, not so that it can force me to do so at arbitrary, inconvenient
and unpredictable intervals.

That was easily solved by searching my gmail archive, which in my case
contains only the contents of technical mailing lists.  Gmail seemed to me
perfect for that.  Others had already solved that problem, and I re-emerged.

The bigger problem is that now Xorg is trying to display things off the left
and right edges of my monitor.  By adjusting the monitor I see that there
are 24 pixels of stuff bleeding off the edge -- enough to lose a close box,
for instance.

My Xorg.conf does specify some details about the monitor, but no modeline.
I had to put that stuff in there originally to get my preferred 1280x1024
resolution.  Do I need to go back to the days of modlines?  Xorg.conf is

++ kevin

Kevin O'Gorman, PhD

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Description: Binary data

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