When I noticed the thread here about `hal' that started a while back
it caused me enough curiousity that i ran eix -Ic ^hal$ but found I
have no `hal' installed.

I have keep up with updates somewhat better than usual the last few
months but don't remember when hal went away... I do remember having
some trouble with keyboard/mouse, and hal not starting, but that was
quite a while back.

I don't remember making a conscious effort to get rid of hal either.

Evey thing seems to work ok here.  I do notice a problem on bootup
where the keyboard/mouse I have attached to a KVM does not become
usable until AFTER the grub prompt.  Somewhere between there and the
appearance of the login prompt it becomes usable.  But that has gone
on at least a yr if not longer.

So is there something wrong if I have no hal installed.  Is it just
not necessary or has it been replaced?

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