On Tuesday 10 November 2009 17:54:48 Doki Pen wrote:
> I've recently switched from gdm to xdm in an effort to reduce my distro
> size.  The only problem I've run into is that when I kill my X session,
> xdm doesn't restart automatically.  I have to switch to a vtty and type
> exec sudo /etc/init.d/xdm restart.  I've read the man pages and googled
> but can't come up with a solution.  Does anyone know if there is a way
> to fix this issue?

When X exists, is xdm still running or has it died too?

You can tell when restarting xdm if it gives errors about xdm not running when 
the "stop" phase of "restart"" is run

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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