On 2009-11-10, Grant Edwards <grant.b.edwa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've got a MythTv backend set up that's working great except
> for one thing: mythfilldatabase isn't getting run every day.

There's a field in the settings table I neglected to set.  It's
called "MythFillEnabled", and it defaulted to 0.  I changed it
to 1, set the "MythFillDatabaseLog" field to 
and mythfilldatabase was run by the backend the next time it
was supposed to. :)

Presumably those fields are present somewhere in the
"mythtv-setup" program, but I avoid that program as much as
possible.  I can't ever find anything in it, and even if I did
know where to go, the UI does an excellent job of preventing me
from getting there.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Uh-oh!!  I forgot
                                  at               to submit to COMPULSORY
                               visi.com            URINALYSIS!

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