On Thu, 19 Nov 2009 18:00:03 +0100, Jacques Montier wrote about
[gentoo-user] [the end] icons missing in k3b:

>Hi everybody,
>Some news about k3b and its missing icons.
>I looked at your useflags and changed mine.
>So i had to re-build plenty of packages and spent a very long compiling
>time  with my 8 year-old pc...
>Well, after that,...nothing has changed.. :-(

This looks like your XDG_DATA_DIRS environment variable might be
missing a directory or two.  No amount of recompiling will cure that.
Instead, you need to look in the /etc/env.d directory, correct any
errors, then logout and  login.

Here's mine:


The duplication of /usr/share is, at this point in time, quite
deliberate.  It works around a problem in GNOME.

>Never mind, the problem is not very important, so i stop here and will
>use xfburn if i want all my icons :-)
>As i work with Xfce4, i think i'll put all kde stuff away.

I use Brasero as a burner for GNOME and Xfce.  It's actually rather
good, almost on par with K3b.

Dave  [RLU #314465]
dwn...@ntlworld.com (David W Noon)

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