On Sun, 29 Nov 2009 16:04:16 -0600
Dale<>  wrote:

On 11/29/2009 4:05 AM, Dale wrote:

Instead of attributions, all your posts have that chrome pseudo-URL.

I think you have enough SeaMonkey troubles to connect to it to and ask in the group.  It's
a peer support group like this list, but some developers also hang out

I'm thinking about going back to Seamonkey 1. Just like KDE 4, it's just not quite ready for everyday use. It works as far as what is supposed to be working but still has a few issues that need to be ironed out. That chrome thingy is just one of them. I was wondering about that thing tho. I'm not real sure what that is all about. I looked around the preferences but couldn't find any way to change the behavior.

I'm not sure about the certificate thing tho. Since Konqueror also does it, it may not be the browser but the bank website and others. I also went to a site last night that didn't work too. I meant to make a not of that but forgot. If it was just Seamonkey then I would agree 100%. Since Konqueror does it to, that deducts a few points from it being just Seamonkey.


:-)  :-)

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