On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Kirill Lipatov <kirilllipa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I do have an NVIDIA card. Moreover, I have the very same version of wine on
> Ubuntu and all of the games are running with no problem. It is only on
> gentoo, where I have this problem.
> Kirill

That makes me wonder a bit... you might see if you can't compare the
configuration you have for wine on both to see that they're the same,
and the use flags you have on gentoo compared to the compile time
options ubuntu used... but I'm not sure where to track those down.

Beyond that... any errors on a terminal when the games fail to load?
You might look into the WINEDEBUG variable to get a little more detail
on what's happening, but just running winecfg for a few seconds with
WINEDEBUG=all gives me about 45MB of output.

Poison [BLX]
Joshua M. Murphy

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