On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 12:28:35AM +0100, Penguin Lover Erik squawked:
> Now I am trying to install Gentoo on a new system but when try to emerge
> gentoo-sources (as I am supposed to), it hangs at "Applying
> 4400_alpha-sysctl-uac.patch". This problem is also known as bug #291389.
> I see with top in another virtual terminal that rm uses 100% CPU. Is
> there any way to continue the installation?

Try a different version? There's gotta be some other versions of
gentoo-sources that does not hang at that patch. Else try another
branch of the sources? On my server cum desktop I run hardened, and on
my laptop I just use vanilla. 


Gualtieri's Law of inertia:
 Where there's a will, there's a won't.
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