On 10/12/2009, Joshua Murphy <poiso...@gmail.com> wrote:
> One note about sysresccd, while I do nearly all of my installs from it
> (working from a likely out of date copy, so unsure how much this still
> applies) anymore, I've run across a small issue between its use of zsh
> and emerging some packages. Most recently, it bit me while getting one
> of the dependencies to nfs-progs built so my new system would be able
> to get to my portage tree share on its own after the reboot. This bug
> (closed as RESOLVED - INVALID, since it's not actually a bug with
> Gentoo in the eyes of the Devs):
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=271942  details it further and
> gives a couple options on fixing it, should you run into it at all.

It's probably worth mentioning this on the "New eselesct module for
/bin/sh" bug:

If there are things that break when /bin/sh is not bash, then it's
worth noting them, and probably fixing the root cause too. :)

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