On Friday 12 February 2010 22:14:53 pk wrote:
> > and because of that dbus is a great solution. Single solution for a wide
> > range  of problems. Which is pretty much anti-bloat.
> Great solution to what? What problems?

As has been mentioned multiple times before by multiple people:

The problem it solves is consistent communication between different 
applications, removing the need to have that functionality repeated many times 
by every app that would like to communicate state to another app.

Yes, it is a generic bus designed to deal with generic data in a (mostly) 
transparent way.

Yes, if you use dbus for one or two functions only, then you have more 
functionality than you need.

However. ELF is analogous (with the exception that you don't have one or two 
binary apps), and nothing is stopping you from building everything statically, 
or still using .a

Do you use ELF? And if so, why? If dbus gives similar benefits in a different 
area, why are you complaining?

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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