On 23 February 2010 02:06, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> Volker Armin Hemmann <volkerar...@googlemail.com> writes:
>> well, cfg-update keeps a backup. It detects manual edits and try to
>> resolve conflicts resulting from that automatically. Which works
>> surprisingly well. If
> Volker gave me that same advice long ago, I've used cfg-update ever
> since.
> Its capable of dispatching meaningless file updates in the blink of an
> eye, and offers several well known methods for resolving those that
> need it.
> I personally use vimdiff with it, but there are several other options.
> Its just a good solid tool.

Better than my first days of gentoo when I just either manually
deleted the files or copied them to the new ones as portage
complained.  I'd just search for ._ files in /etc.

Yeah, that sucked   Then I was like "oh, etc-update, this is great."
Then I was like "dispatch-conf, thats greater!"  So now that I've got
a lot of crap to clean out again...I emerged both of these guys.  I'll
probably add some extra superlatives.



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