On 2010-03-07 1:17 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On Saturday 06 March 2010 20:39:05 Tanstaafl wrote:
>> Baselayout2 is still not stable, so, yes, I'm still on baselayout1,
>> and now you've gone and made me nervous again. ;)
>> Are you suggesting I should already be using it??

> You are going to have to switch sometime, the day will come when 
> baselayout-2 goes stable.

Any idea how far away this might be? Are we talking a year or more?

> Seeing as you plan a large update anyway, which will have downtime,
> this would be an ideal opportunity.

Well, I here you, but I'm of the old school, and for production systems,
prefer not to change critical system stuff like this unless/until it
goes stable.

> However, the update is deep and you will be marking a lot of things 
> unstable if you do. On a production machine you might not want to do 
> that. Only you can say if it's a step you are willing to take. On
> the plus side, baselayout-1 will still work for a very long time to 
> come.

Ok, good, in that case I'll wait, because we are planning on rolling out
a new server sometime in the next year or two, and we'll be installing
from scratch.

> When the time to change comes around, set aside an hour or two for 
> the job. It's not a complex change, but many files need to be
> updated, there's all sorts of things in /etc/rc.conf and /etc/conf.d
> that must be re-organized and you will want to double check all
> affected packages.
> Like I said, it's not complex, and it won't cause you to meet your 
> maker. Everything is well documented, but it is lengthy and tedious 
> and you want to finish it all in one sitting - if for no other reason
> than if you come back to it later, you won't remember how far you got
> :-)

Gotcha... I'm feeling much better now... ;)

>> Ok, where is the best place to go to start reading/learning about
>> how to prep for it?

> http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/openrc-migration.xml

Ok, I'd already found that, so thanks for confirming I'm in the right
place. And thanks again for all the helpful comments... :)



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