On Sat, Mar 20, 2010 at 9:38 AM, KH <gentoo-u...@konstantinhansen.de> wrote:
> Mark Knecht schrieb:
>> Hi,
> [...]
>> 3) Wife's new desktop
> [...]
>> I want high reliability
> [...]
>> The most important task of this machine is to keep data safe.
> [...]
>> Thanks,
>> Mark
> Hi Mark,
> For me it sounds like those points just don't fit together ;-)
> Regards
> kh
<Smiling broadly...> :-) Yeah.. Well, keeping my wife's data safe
keeps me happy. :-)

So the chassis and drives for this 1st machine are on order. 6 1TB
green drives. Now I just need to decide what sort of RAID to use. I
don't need much speed writing so I'm thinking maybe a 3 drive RAID1
setup with a hot spare managed using mdadm and then LVM on top of it.

The main backup data will be coming from another machine I'm building
that runs a new i7 980x 12 core processor with 24GB of DRAM. That
machine will run 5 copies of VirtualBox/Windows 7 using 2 cores + 4GB
DRAM for each, leaving 2 cores and 4GB for Gentoo as the host OS. Each
Windows instance crunches numbers 24/7 and needs to be backed up once
a day with each backup being about 20GB. I'll move approximately 100GB
across the network each night to the 1st machine at least once a day,
possibly more. This data needs to be very safe so once every week it
goes offsite also.

Other than that the 1st machine will also be a MythTV backend server.
That's a pretty light load hardware wise but uses a little computing
muscle to do commercial detection and the like.

And then yes, my wife can use it as her main desktop as most of the
above work takes place overnight with Myth being in the evening and
backups of machine #1 occurring at 4AM, etc.

- Mark

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