Thanks Andrea. I'm attempting to make these styles a bit more concise 
(as you suggested).  So, here are more details:

The shapefile:

The style:


On 9/21/10 4:42 PM, Andrea Aime wrote:
> On 21/09/2010 21:08, Ian Turton wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 2:49 PM, alyssa wright<>   wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I was wondering if there's something like the vendor option
>>> <VendorOption name="forceLeftToRight">false</VendorOption>   for vertical
>>> line geometries. Or if there's some other suggested way to have labels
>>> all facing the same way in this sort of situation:
>> Might it work better if you used a LinePlacement instead of the 
>> PointPlacement?
>>            <sld:LinePlacement>
>>               <sld:PerpendicularOffset>
>>                 <ogc:Literal>10</ogc:Literal>
>>               </sld:PerpendicularOffset>
>>             </sld:LinePlacement>
> Actually in the latest versions line placement is inferred by the
> fact you're enabling followLine.
> The issue I see is that the labelling code assumes both vertical
> orientations are readable and good. Readable they are, good they're not
> as it makes reading the map with multiple orientations harder.
> Alyssa, do you have a sample data set + styling I can use to reproduce
> the issue? Should be just a matter of changing  a<= into a<  in the
> code, but I want to make sure
> Cheers
> Andrea

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