Hi All, I am accessing an unprotected WFS in a Grails project from
OpenLayers with goovy HTTPBuilder. It works as expected, but it seems
every time sending a WFS request to Geoserver JSESSIONID has to be
provided. And here comes my problem: To obtain a JSESSIONID I have to
send a request to a resource which requires authentication first (chose
'geoserver/rest'). Works - if the username and password are known. Does
anybody know a better way to get a JSESSIONID?


For all who are interested in the code:


def http = new HTTPBuilder("";)


//accessing REST-Service to obtain JSESSIONID

http.auth.basic 'admin','geoserver'

http.get(path: '/geoserver/rest')


//building and sending the WFS-Request

http.headers.'Content-Type'="application/xml; charset=UTF-8"

http.headers.'Accept-Encoding'= 'gzip,deflate'


String xmlString = new StreamingMarkupBuilder().bind(){mkp.yield

def wfsResponse = http.post(path:'/geoserver/wfs',body:xmlString)


//dealing with response

def featureCollection = new StreamingMarkupBuilder().bind(){mkp.yield

render featureCollection.toString()





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