Dear all,

I am trying to implement an app-schema for a complex data type. In my test 
example are 2 tables, a container table and a content table in a one to 
one relationship (in the complete example, there are one to many and many 
to many relationships).

What I am trying to accomplish is an efficient search for the content 
table. I run a query something like this:

<wfs:GetFeature service="WFS" version="1.1.0" 
    xmlns:wfs=""; xmlns:xsi="";
    <wfs:Query typeName="test:container">

But what I see is that he runs 2 SQL queries:
1) A query for the entire container table
2) A query with a join with the content table

It then proceeds to iterate over all the elements causing significant 
delay. I was expecting a join with a where clause.  Is this normal 
behaviour, or have I done something wrong.

Thank you in advance,


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